Thursday, November 11, 2010

Choose your path

Your problems are real and demanding.

Yet they are tiny when compared to all the positive possibilities for your life in this moment.

You have fallen short in the past.

Yet the past is over, and you are free to choose a new and more fulfilling direction, right now.

There are difficult challenges that you now face.

And right alongside those challenges, intertwined and intermingled with them, there are stunningly magnificent opportunities.

This is your time to grasp those opportunities.

Whatever may try to hold you back is trivial and of little consequence when compared to what you can gain by moving forward.

The difficulties this moment may hold are far outnumbered by the possibilities for achievement, learning, love, joy and fulfillment.

Focus your mind, focus your energy on the best of those possibilities.

In this very moment you are free to choose any thought, any action, any path you wish.

Choose to step confidently forward on the path to the best place and the best life you can possibly imagine.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

well being

All the powers in the Universe are already ours.
It is we who have put our hands before our eyes and cry that it is dark.
We are what our thoughts have made us;
So take care about what you think.
Words are secondary.
Thoughts live; they travel far.
When an idea exclusively occupies the mind, it is transformed into an actual physical or mental state.
We reap what we sow.
We are the makers of our own fate.
None else has the blame, none has the praise.
There is no help for you outside of yourself;
You are the creator of the universe.
Like the silkworm you have build a cocoon around yourself....
Burst your own cocoon and come out as the beautiful butterfly, as the free soul.
Then alone will you see Truth.
In one word, this ideal is that you are divine.
God sits in the temple of every human body.
~ Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902)

Monday, October 18, 2010

Treasure the experience

Let go of the need to constantly keep score.

Create value for its own sake and it will come much more easily and naturally.

There are great possibilities patiently waiting to happen for you.

Yet any desire for superiority you may have will keep pushing those possibilities away.

All you could ever hope for is already connected to you.

But you cannot see that connection when you're constantly focused on getting more.

Your obsessive attachment to getting the result you seek prevents that result from being fully realized.

Put your focus on being instead of getting.

Good things happen as soon as you get past the need for them.

Let life flow as it will, and it will flow in great abundance.

Get out of the way of your own authentic fulfillment.

Sincerely treasure the experience, and there will be much more to treasure.

-- Ralph Marston

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Get unstuck

If you feel like you're stuck, in many ways that's a positive sign.

It means you're eager to get moving.

The feeling of being stuck shows that there's somewhere you truly would like to go, and you're ready for some real progress.

It means you're highly motivated, and that's a powerful state to be in.

Instead of focusing on the particular problem of the moment that's making you feel stuck, step back and look at the big picture.

Recall the reasons why you originally chose to be on this path in the first place.

Most likely, the challenge you're facing right now is trivial compared to the goal you've set for yourself.

Put things in perspective and you'll realize that what's really keeping you stuck is not the situation itself but rather your response to it.

Instead of feeling overwhelmed, choose to start working your way through the challenge one step at a time.

There is a little bit you can do now, a little bit of progress you can make later, and bit by bit you'll make your way through.

Take advantage of the frustration you feel, and redirect the energy of that frustration into positive, thoughtful action.

You'll soon be looking back on this moment with the grateful realization that you just cleared a major hurdle and are quickly moving forward again.

-- Ralph Marston

Thursday, October 7, 2010


i am in a place where i want to be spoiled by a man who loves me. one who wants to be my friend and isnt as stubborn as me. one who is so happy to see me and me him. one who is ready for the rest of his life to be full of love and joy and friendship and fun.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

switching gears

today i am enjoying my last day of being 40.
i am very much looking forward to a year of new oppertunities and growth!
i was told by a kindred heart that "41 is hella fun!"
i cant wait!

this year, i promise to...
be gentle with myself
make regular play dates
camp as much as possible
take tons of pictures
try new things
have more get togethers
stay in touch
take road trips...even for a day
play hookie regurlary
visit my list (hope that said list is visited with lovely pixie)
show up
live bliss~fully
dream big
love well
laugh more
grow my soul
listen more
learn new things
journal more
clear out, release and live in freedom
and add to this list as needed♥

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. so throw off the bowlines. sale away from the safe harbor. catch the trade winds in your sails. explore, dream, discover. ~mark twain

i stumbled across this great quote today and it went straight to my heart. all summer i had great plans of discovering hidden treasures, exploring new places and taking the time to dream. so far it hasn't played out the way i was hoping.
i have a lovely pixie friend who i had many plans with this summer... no set date, just plans. i have had so much stuff come up and absorb my time. i am becoming resentful of it all and i don't want to be. i want to just let it roll off like water on duck feathers however, i feel sad that the time is gone.... stolen.
i have two more commitments this summer and i vow not to let anything else steal away precious time for fun and heart filled dreams and fulfilling my own wishes i feel i have missed out on.
i have a list to make, rocks to paint, glass to break, a trip north to make and tons of pictures to take!!
i miss you my friend.
love you deeply♥

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

how do i start this today?
i try to get through what ever is being tossed my way with good intentions, good attitude and a smile.
today i am not smiling.
i am bawling my eyes out.
sometimes i dont know what to do to make someone else feel better
and right now, i dont know how to comfort my own pain.
this totally sucks ass

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

why not?

oh my gosh, where do i begin?
i have the most incredible chicks in my life!!
full of inspiration, love and rainbow colors!!
yes, rainbow!
completely full of beautiful colors!

today i had a mingle-ing of hearts chat with one of
my soul tribe and realized that now is the time
to put away the calendar, agenda and lists of
things i should do and PLAY!!!
embrace my inner child!
play in the sprinklers and laugh!!
paint rocks, pictures, rooms!
lay on a blanket and tell funny stories!
find shapes in the clouds
put my feet in the river
catch fireflies and ladybugs
the time is now! it is in the air!!
create, play, giggle, love and have fun!
last year was a trying year
it felt like the desert
the anticipation of 2010 filled my soul
knowing it would be a better year, my year!
and now, right now i can feel it unfolding!!!
remember when summer vacation lasted life times?
you could play all day, find adventure right in your very own yard
or on a walk or in your neigborhood?
now that i am an adult and parent, i should still
have all the magical wonder of childhood anytime i want!
for some reason in our culture we have been taught to
"grow up" , "be responsible" and all the other crap!
to hell with that,
i am declaring play time untill school starts!
go out and have some fun!!
the universe is begging you!!!
the earth is craving you!
then tell me all about it :)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

i have this friend who is such an amazing spirit
i feel like we have know eachother for lifetimes
like were from the same soul family.
when we talk or hang out, it feels like home... never weird or uncomfortable.
the conversations can go anywhere and everywhere without judgement or shame.
just connection and deep understanding and respect.
its absolutely beautiful.
our friendship has allowed me to fearlessly be me :)

i am blessed beyond words to have you in my life.
sometimes months go by without talking, an email or text
and yet
i know, without a doubt, you are never too far away.

i love hookey days, ferry rides, city adventures, exploring exploritoriums, trolly cars, meeting artsy strangers, never meeting a stranger, reunions, being brave and feeling safe, mingling of hearts, funky cafes, inspiration, making time, tax day dates and reminders of who we are and how amazing it is to share in this journey together.

thank you for being such a supercoolhappylovething and for allowing me to be part of your world. you make my heart full and my face smile :)
oh how i have missed you, blogspot!!!
i am overflowing with happiness to be back here, just you and me♥!
thank you for being so patient with me as i cleaned out
the heavy mud of heart ache
and the weeds of someone elses oppinion of my character.
the garden of my soul is drenched with delicious smelling soil,
fertilized with joyful bliss and radiant colors of inspiration
and here you are...
allowing me to share my thoughts, visions and dreams.

loving the journey....

Monday, June 7, 2010

i just read a lovely's beautiful heartfelt words

she is in a similar place along her path as i am
and i cried as i read her words

she is such a precious free loving soul
and it hurts my heart that she feels heavy and weighed down
at this time.

shine all the colors that you shine!!

my lovely one♥

i have been trying,

with all that is within me,

to empty my tears,

to wash away the grief,

to understand the void,

to quiet the sighs,

to not feel so needy,

to find the internal bliss that fills my soul

with beautiful sparkly radiance♥

am i feeling sorry for myself?

am i releasing and letting go

and just unfamiliar with the cleansing and

purging of crap

that i feel like i am a stranger

in a strange land?

i am trying to embrace this new place


...just be

…right here

....right now.

i want to celebrate these tears,

knowing they are serving me and healing my


i want to embrace the journey with reckless


i also want to be beyond this

to play and giggle and shine

and seek out planned mischief

as well as unplanned adventures!!

i am looking forward to

river rituals

heart talks

crafting magic

fairy dancing

beach walks

pirate treasures

free hugs

making our lists

and experiencing some of it....


i am thankful for you♥

my warrior friend

so full of love♥

and beauty

and light♥

and gorgeous colors

that shine so bright and free!


for these little "things"

that seem like big things

that is causing my soul

to grow and bloom♥

♥ you always

Friday, May 21, 2010

my beautiful things for friday..

♥ waking up to a breeze that made my curtains dance! ahhhh, i love spring.

♥ thoughts of yesterdays class filling my head and putting my lessons into practice.

♥ having the whole busy weekend ahead of me without worry of how to squeeze it all in.

life is so good. drink it up and enjoy!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

oh yesterday....

May 12,2010
seemed like it was the mark of something important...
i couldnt put my finger on it....
i could feel the marvolous-ness, the beauty, the glow of the day lingering around me
and it wasnt untill i had a quiet moment
that i realized....
i found my sparkle!
it had been there all along
it was clouded by old belief systems and self doubt.
so welcome back sparkle!!!

my bee u tee full things for this day
*my crazy beautiful vegan lovely and her receipe for refridgerator soup!!
*experiencing the fruit of my parenting.... absolutely amazing humans that i was blessed enough to share this time on earth with!!
*getting home from work and having a treasured friend show up for a hug, a chat, and a walk and the oppertunity to remind her how much she is loved and how important she is not only to her family and friends but to herself. :)
*allowing the clouds to be cleared away and realizing that i am worth my dreams ~ all of them~
and i have everything i need right inside me to manifest them!
be blessed

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


to write or not to write....
but what?
all of these ideas and thoughts
swirling around in my head....
what to share...
what to keep safe...
tomorrow i will share

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

all that beautiful far

the beauty of the sun breaking through the clouds today.

a sweet "just called to say i love you mom and hope you have a fantastic day" from my petite girl.

a lovely reminding me that what i DO about it is more important than what I WANT or FEEL. she is so smart!