Wednesday, December 31, 2014

the road with you

with tears in my eyes as i read what you sent me...

i want to drive to there
the place where we find ourselves 
where healing begins 

with the windows down
our hair blowing
becoming perfectly and beautifully messy
where we listen to the road whisper three things

the world blinds you with its beauty

you only write redemption

you always make your way back to good.

i want to write magic and blessings in the sand
to drink in the day by the campfire
to wake up to the promise that today 
the universe gifts us
 with one more day
full of 
and laughter
sprinkled with fae dust 
and kissed by faeries

go to that place just waiting for our arrival 
to feel like we belong 
and to be a local 
for a day 
or maybe 4
maybe more

i want to go with you
because you know me 
my heart 
my hurts
my triumphs 
my soul

i know you
and yours