Monday, December 21, 2009

if i dont start now i dont think i will ever start..... huh? i know... i mean writing...
lets start with three beautiful things.... that always helps :)

  • friends who dont give up..... even when i am sure they would love to
  • staying connected even if it's quietly
  • believing.... believing that no matter what.... no matter what, it will all be beautiful in the end. :) starting with today.

1 comment:

  1. ah, believing... ~sigh~

    I believe you are amazing. I believe you are a strong center wrapped in softness then maybe some more strongness on the outside. I believe you are a creative soul. I believe that knowing you has made me a better person. I believe what I see when I look at you...mischief, kindness, intelligence, sass, compassion, generosity, a balanced sense of justice, creativity and spontaneous joy.

    I believe in you. :)
