Thursday, June 12, 2014

life... living it

yesterday was kind of an up and down day
part focused
part giggles
part tears 

it was filled with feelings
intense feelings
some i embraced 
some i resisted
even in the resistance, i felt them
it was just more painful 

i spent some time with my soul sister 
who grounded me with wisdom
and encouraged me to feel ALL of it 

these are just feelings 
they shape us by how we 
respond to them
they also remind us that we are alive 

our minds are so powerful 
we have the ability to change the 
way we think about things
we can either make it sucky 
or look for the silver lining

this morning in my meditation
i found the silver lining in 
so much of the grief that i have 
caused myself

(30 second dance party)

today is the day :) 
my intentions are set 
life is beautiful 
live the heck out of it! 

1 comment:

  1. There is much wisdom in this. To find a silver lining in the midst of a storm or to know its just a feeling which is making you stronger, that you are learning. This is true wisdom
