Wednesday, June 25, 2014

let's go

this morning my note from the universe said 

Try pretending that all you now believe to be real, is not, Tawnja. And that all you wish to be real, is. If only for a few minutes each day.

Then, try acting like all you wish to be real already is real. With just a word here, a sentence there, or some little demonstration. If only in private.

Before long, you won't even remember if what you used to believe was real or just a dream.

I'm pretending you already do this stuff whenever you want change,
    The Universe

right now i wish that my car is full of gas
my bank card is super full of cash
me and my road warrior and adventure sister
had more time off than we knew what to do with and
could hit the open road.

i see seattle
new york
as my top four right now.

and landing where ever our free spirits felt we needed to be.

ahhh to visualize and feel the magic of this moment is priceless.

Monday, June 23, 2014

oh monday...

there are so many errands i need to run
phone calls i need to make 
and chores i need to start or complete
today im just not feeling it

what i would prefer to be doing 
is sitting by the water journaling

so much has been going on lately 
externally and internally 
so much so that i really just want to 
scream, shout,laugh, cry and, 
love through my pen to the pages.  

however, the voice in my head keeps screaming
how can you have any pudding if you dont eat your meat?!!!! 

okay spirit, 
i get it! 

off to make those calls,
run those errands 
maybe finish a few chores
as my patient journal awaits for what my soul craves to release

Thursday, June 19, 2014


in the waking hours
theres a gentle breeze playing with my curtains
and the daylight dances in and out beconning me to come dance along with her
come out here with me
 if even for a lilttle while
come play with me
and enjoy me
let me embrace you
let me warm your body
and soothe your soul
let me give you what you need this morning
before things get too hectic and you forget
to enjoy the warmth of my love

with gratitude in my heart
i do....

Thursday, June 12, 2014

life... living it

yesterday was kind of an up and down day
part focused
part giggles
part tears 

it was filled with feelings
intense feelings
some i embraced 
some i resisted
even in the resistance, i felt them
it was just more painful 

i spent some time with my soul sister 
who grounded me with wisdom
and encouraged me to feel ALL of it 

these are just feelings 
they shape us by how we 
respond to them
they also remind us that we are alive 

our minds are so powerful 
we have the ability to change the 
way we think about things
we can either make it sucky 
or look for the silver lining

this morning in my meditation
i found the silver lining in 
so much of the grief that i have 
caused myself

(30 second dance party)

today is the day :) 
my intentions are set 
life is beautiful 
live the heck out of it! 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

i want that relationship so full of love 
that we stick it out
find what makes it work
find understanding 
the stuff that lasts forever

Monday, June 2, 2014

love is, by definition, so many things..
a strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties.
attraction based on sexual desire...
affection and tenderness felt by lovers....
affection based on admiration, benevolence, or common interest....
an assurance of affection and love...
a warm attachment, enthusiasm, or devotion....
a beloved person....
an unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another...
concern for others.
i love every single one of these!
no wonder love is so complex and beautiful.
i love tenderness shared between lovers
assurance of affection
strong affection for people you feel ties to, like your tribe, or family, or common interests.
i love that love can mean and feel so many things...
i feel such a strong unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for MANY...
when i love you, its done. there is nothing you can do about it.
i will always love you
and who you are
and who you are becoming and or want to be
and it takes a lot to break that connection for me.
i love that about love and about me :)
so, incase i havent told you lately...

i love you