you know that moment when you know that you have totally lost your footing...?
in life?
in relationships?
where you feel like an earthquake hit your heart, your soul, your life
and you are gripping for something
to protect you
to give you shelter
to help your heart stop aching
your soul to be grounded
your life to know that it's on the right track?
have you?
please tell me about it......
honestly, i want to know
Yes! In retrospect, it is in THOSE times when I've lost my footing and felt completely off track that I now see I was on a track that wasn't headed where I needed to go. You're trying to grip something to protect you, shelter you, ground you and show you that you're on the right track? You're strong, TJ. Maybe it's time to be strong enough to NOT grip and let the river take you in it's current to a track that makes you sigh, weep and remember that part of you? I love you. I'm holding you in my heart and I wish I could come tuck you in at night. Every night.